Monday, April 14, 2014

GYCS2012 - Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger

sebenarnya pada kesempatan kali ini saya mencoba untuk berbagi ilmu dan pikiran mengenai apa yang sudah saya tulis untuk kegiatan GYCS 2012 yang sedianya diadakan di Jakarta tahun dua tahun lalu,.. tetapi dari pihak panitia tidak ada konfirmasi tentang penyelenggaraan kegiatan ini dan alhasil kegiatan ini belum bisa terlaksana dengan baik dan berhenti di jalan,.. untuk itu,. agar lebih bermanfaat,..
saya akan membagikan tulisan ini kepada kawan, rekan, yang senagn membaca sekaligus berbagi pikirannya untuk kita, dari kita, dan oleh kita,..
mudah2an bermanfaat,... dan mohon maaf jika terdapat kesalahan di dalam penulisan,...
koreksi dan perbaikan sangat saya harapkan dalam tulisan ini,.... terima kasih, dan saya ucapkan selamat membaca,..

Theme             : Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger
Tittle                : Gardening in The Yard

Gardening in The Yard

The necessary for food is one of the primary needs of human being besides the necessity of housing and clothing. Food is a thing that we need for nutrients supply to keep to continue daily activities regularly. However, the necessary for food is a must and the addition the level of purchasing power to get food are very low and the most of people who living under the poverty line are unable to meet food needed which raised various issues, such as increasing of hunger and poverty. therefore, there needs the best way to reduce the poverty level and hunger with the creative way, easy, and economic for many people. The action to be taken to solve this problems are making the simple garden in the yard as the easy alternative of food supply and affordable for society.
Gardening in the yard is the fun and very easy to do. Gardening activities are undirectly produce foods for a family without buy in the market. Dependence on food availability in market is closely linked to people’s purchasing power. Most people that have a high economic levels are t he middle class to above, while for the lover classes have a lower economic level has a low ability to buy something. Low economic level will have a negative impact on hunger. This case is the basic of thinking in making simple garden in the yard as the best solution in for the poverty society to keep their nutrition and make their lives health.
Gardening does not have a large land, but small land in front of the house or in behind of the house is enough that can be planted with several kind of food that is easy to grow in the yard with a faster harvest time and the maintenance is not too difficult. The various of planting the food is the diversity of food grown in the garden so that various nutrition can be intake properly. The faster harvest time is the food is not making longer time to be harvested with the simple maintenance.
Before the gardening begis, the first step should to be know are kind of climate that exist in the environment, what kind of food can grow with the climate conditions, and how to maintain food until the harvest time. Soo, when we have known about all the elements above we can start to plant.
If we analyzed, the necessity of human food is generally divided into several things, first is the necessity of carbohydrates. Carbohydrate needs is the basic needs that produce the energy for human activities. This is can be find in cassava, potatoes, sago, and rice. The second is protein needs. Protein is divided into two, there are animal protein and vegetable protein. Animal protein is the protein that derived from animal, such as beef, fish, chicken, milk, and eggs. The vegetable protein is derived from plants, such as soybeans. Protein in the body serves as a tool to repair cells – the body’s cells are damaged and then renewed again so that the body remains in a fit condition. The third is vegetable fiber needs that can facilitate the digestive process in body so that the toxins can be removed maximally. The fourth is vitamin and mineral needs. Vitamins and minerals can be obtain from the fresh fruit and these function is to keep our body fresh.
Based on the analysis above about the human needs we know that carbohydrates, vegetables, and vitamins can be grown in the garden. Types of carbohydrates that suitable to grow in the garden is cassava because it can be grow easily and for the maintenance it only need water to keep alive. Then, for vegetable needs, spinach, tomatoes, and chili are suitable to plant in the garden because these types of vegetables does not require extra care and just keep them clean. For the last is for vitamin needs. Vitamin can be find in the fresh fruit and small orange tree is the good idea to plant because the tree is not too big and not damaging surrounding.
All of these crops can be used to complete a family nutrition needs and it can be sell to buy other needs, animal protein, such as meat, chicken, eggs, and milk. So that the nutrition of a family can be completed by gardening and the malnutrition crisis for poor people can be solved and then everybody will live spiritful.
From the explanation above shows that gardening is not difficult but it need a willingness to strive in improving the economy and the eradicate of hunger and malnutrition problems.  However, the comparison that can be inferred from the analysis of human food that carbohydrates have the greatest of the human body needs, then the fiber needs, and vitamin needs have the smallest percentage.
So, from all the description above it can be conclude that plant of in other terms gardening is the best alternative for people who live under the poverty line and to solve hunger. Gardening in the house yard is a fun activites and easy to do it at home. In additions, simple gardening activities at home indirectly can complete the food needs of the family witout having to buy in the market. Gardening does not require a big and large land, but it only takes a small space on the backyard or in front yard. If it produce much, it can be sell to buy another needs, such as protein needs. So, the family can be more healthier and move away from malnutrition.
Gardening can indirectly increase the economic value of a family and at the same time handling the hunger, poverty, and malnutrition problems. Thus, let us gardening !

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